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Pokemon Emerald Omega

Thông tin
Tên: Pokemon Emerald Omega
Hacker: Mamamama
Rombase: Emerald
Phiên bản: Final Version
Ngôn ngữ: English
Contacts: Tân Knight
Nội dung
It’s an Emerald Fan Version of Pokemon Fire Red Omega.
* Physical/Special split from Gen IV and onwards
* 53 Moves from future generations with complete animations (No old move is replaced).
New Moves:
X-Scissor, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Magnet Bomb, Aqua Jet, Power Gem, Power Whip, Focus Blast, Shadow Claw, Zen Headbutt, Brave Bird, Icicle Crash, Aqua Tail, Fairy Wind, Play Rough, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Night Slash, Seed Bomb, Ice Shard, Earth Power, Iron Head, Energy Ball, Drain Punch, Payback, Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Rock Polish, Psycho Cut, Scald, Stone Edge, Bug Buzz, Force Palm, Bullet Punch, Lava Plume, Shadow Sneak, Vacuum Wave, Flash Cannon, Bulldoze, Flame Charge, Power-Up Punch, Roost, Quiver Dance ,Coil Flare ,Blitz ,Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang ,Hammer Arm ,Close Combat.
Nasty Plot:
Scald replaces Water Pulse as TM 03, Power-Up Punch replaces Bullet Seed as TM 09 (it now has 60BP), Focus Blast replaces Hyper Beam as TM 15, The other moves have been distributed over more than 150 different Pokemon that would learn them in future generations!
* Elekid, Smoochum, and Magby are your starters just as in Fire Red Omega.
* All 386 Pokemon can be caught (Many through various events).
* This hack is only playable in SET battle style.
* You cannot use healing items such as Potions during battle, but you can use them outside of battle. However, items such as X Attack and Dire Hit can be used in battle.
* The Fairy-type is in the game (called "Cute"-type for now due to icon issues) .
* Boss fights now always use 6 Pokemon with good movesets.
* A feature I have not seen in any other hack: Every single Pokemon, in every single significant battle, each has customized Nature and EVs. Compare this to normal games where Pokemon have 0 EVs and a randomly assigned nature. The Elite Four thus have teams that are more difficult than the Frontier Brains WITHOUT being filled with Ubers or Stat- boosted Pokemon that you can't obtain (which is often the case in difficult hacks). No boss within the main game has a Pokemon that can't be obtained by the player (That is, legal movesets, nature, and EVs). In total, I have created 176 unique EV/ Nature spreads which are used throughout the game.
* Gym TRAINERS now have customized movesets and Pokemon.
* Movesets inspired by the Pokemon X/Y movesets but edited since there are only 50 TMs in the game so a many movepools are now quite big.
* Some weaker Pokemon have got stat changes. None has changed in type. I wanted to avoid changing the original too much. List of Fully Evolved Pokemon that got stat changes:
The starters (Magmar, Jynx, Electabuzz), Sableye, Mawile, Luvdisc, Torkoal, Kecleon, Magcargo, Wailord, Electrode, Corsola, Farfetch'd, Castform, Spinda, These have just received slight improvement in stats that do not change their overall role in the game, but more to make them viable options.
* Running shoes work inside houses.
* All TMs can be used as many times as you like, to balance out the increased difficulty. However, some of them are now more difficult/expensive to obtain.
* Some HM moves have been changed to be more useful.
These are:
Cut is now a 60 BP bug-type move (the only move to change in type)
Waterfall may cause flinching Strength may cause defense-drop Rock Smash now has 60 BP
* Every rematch in the game has been updated. You may now challenge the Gym Leaders and Wally to both 2on2 and 1on1 battles which are constantly increasing in difficulty until you face their strongest at level 100 with good EVs.
* Steven has got an updated team when you team up with him against Team Magma to match the increased level curve.
* Frontier Brains have got updated movesets so they fit in with the Special/Physical split
* All trade evolutions and annoying evolutions such as Feebas have been edited. Umbreon and Espeon evolves using Moon and Sun Stone respectively.
* Water, Fire, Thunder, and Leaf Stones can be bought as early as Verdanturf Town.
* Old Rod is obtainable before the first Gym.
* In-game trades now give you Pokemon with good IVs.
* A new dungeon, Cave Of Memories, is accessible after beating the Elite Four.
Pokemon Contest cannot be accessed due to a glitch. You can still get the Pokeblock case from the person outside.
Further balance the difficulty curve (feedback is appreciated).
Implement B/W repel system, as soon as someone releases the offsets for Emerald (I sadly lack the knowledge to do the process from scratch).
Add cross-gen evolutions such as Tangrowth, Hunchcrow, and Yanmega etc. (Might take awhile)
Fix small Decap issues when/if found.
Play around more with Music Editing since it turned out to be really fun.
Add even more future gen moves
Fix the Fairy-type icon
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